Nursing Program Issue, Grievance or Disciplinary Actions

Student Liaison Meeting

A Liaison Meeting is a monthly forum held on the third Thursday of the month, for all nursing program students to speak with a faculty adviser about the program and how we can improve. In addition, nursing students are encourage to speak directly with their instructor, and/or contact the nursing program director, Tami Washington at for individual issues or complaints.

College Level: Other more serious issues, grievance, or disciplinary matters should be resolved at the campus level. Please refer to the Chabot College 2023-2024 Catalog page 71-74.

BRN: State of California BRN Nursing Education for all scope of practice inquiries Email :

Re-admission to Program

The Chabot College Nursing Program has a two-admission policy for the Generic Nursing Program Students. The generic student must complete their first semester (NURS 55) to be considered for readmission. the second admission to the program will be through the Advanced Standing process. Student must request re-admission within two years of leaving the program. A student who has been re-admitted to the program and then fails to meet the requirements of any course will be dismissed.

Students who are dismissed or withdraw from the program AFTER the completion of NURS 55 may reapply as an Advanced Standing Student. Applications are provided through the Nursing Program Office Room 2273. There is a ranking list and students are admitted on a space-available basis. See Nursing Student Handbook for additional information.

BRN Applicant Enforcement

The Board of Registered Nursing has added an information webinar on its website that provides beneficial information for applicants with a history of criminal or discipline against another professional license. The Applicant Enforcement Webinar is designed for pre-licensure students and first-time applicants for licensure in California. Visit the BRN website to view this video and to review the Frequently Asked Questions that were asked during the live broadcast of this webinar.

Chabot College Student Services

Grievance Policy

The Chabot-Las Positas Community College District encourages all its students to pursue academic studies and other college sponsored activities that will promote intellectual growth and personal development. In pursuit of these goals, the student should be free of unfair or improper action from any member of the academic community. Toward that end, the following procedures have been developed to provide every student with a prompt and equitable means of seeking an appropriate remedy for any alleged violation of the student’s rights.

The district accords every student the right of protection. Students, however, must also be aware that they are responsible for complying with all college regulations and for maintaining the appropriate requirements as established by the instructor for each course in which they are enrolled. The district shall insure that the student is fully accorded due process as stated in this student grievance policy.